We are an established law firm offering a full range of company and personal legal services.
We pride ourselves in providing quality advice for businesses, families and individuals.
Hunt & Coombs have extensive experience of providing services to a large range of sectors.
We help many different businesses, not-for-profit organisations, business owners and charity trustees to advise on various legal issues.
At Hunt & Coombs, we have specialist lawyers with the technical ability and experience to provide advice and representation in complex areas of law.
We are the ideal place for you to come whenever you need legal advice or practical support.
Whether you have a potential employment tribunal claim or just need clarification on a work-related problem and advice on how to proceed, we can help.
Employment law is one of the most rapidly developing areas of law and knowing your rights is essential. It can make all the difference between helplessness and empowerment.
If you are in need of an employment solicitor, please contact us or get in touch with one of our offices directly: Peterborough, Huntingdon, Oundle, St Neots or Cambridge.
We can help you with:
A settlement agreement is a legal contract between employee and employer and both have to stick to it. They are commonly used by employers when they are managing redundancies or there is a potential dispute with an employee and may follow a ‘protected conversation’.
Were you dismissed for fair reasons and in the right way; were you paid for your full notice period and can you claim compensation?
Age, disability, equal pay, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, marital status, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, trade union membership, whistle blowing, part-time and fixed-time working. Are you being treated less favourably than others?
How to resolve difficulties at work and have your grievances properly addressed and how best to deal with disciplinary action against you including investigatory meetings.
How to understand your rights whether or not you have a written employment contract; how to obtain written terms upon request; and what to do if your employer makes unlawful changes to your terms of employment.
We can help you with your rights to maternity, paternity, parental and shared parental leave, special leave for adoption, and requesting flexible working hours.
How to obtain information stored about you, which may be damaging your career, and to compel your former employer to correct inaccurate records.
How to stop bullying and harassment and prevent abuse and advice on “Vento bands” in discrimination cases involving an award for injury to feelings.
Are you being put under unreasonable pressure as a result of sickness or absence from work? Are you receiving the paid annual leave to which you are entitled? Should your employer take into account overtime and commission when calculating annual leave pay?
What restrictions can your employer impose on you during and after your employment, and are they enforceable?
How to find out what your former employers are saying about you and what you can do to ensure that they do not damage your future prospects.
We can represent you in employment tribunals and the civil courts.
We can provide legal advice on national minimum wage rates and statutory maternity and sick pay rates.
Senior Associate
Our employment law solicitors outline the changes in the Employment Rights Bill.
Our employment law solicitors highlight four common mistakes with employment contracts.
The importance of supporting employees Employers are increasingly aware of the importance…
The different types of dismissal and the associated risks It is always…
Senior Associate
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Hunt & Coombs LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales, Registration no. OC320243, VAT no. 120013160. Hunt & Coombs LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority with Registration no. 443035. A list of members is available at 35 Thorpe Road, Peterborough PE3 6AG.
© Hunt & Coombs Solicitors 2023.