We are an established law firm offering a full range of company and personal legal services.
We pride ourselves in providing quality advice for businesses, families and individuals.
Hunt & Coombs have extensive experience of providing services to a large range of sectors.
We help many different businesses, not-for-profit organisations, business owners and charity trustees to advise on various legal issues.
At Hunt & Coombs, we have specialist lawyers with the technical ability and experience to provide advice and representation in complex areas of law.
We are the ideal place for you to come whenever you need legal advice or practical support.
The only certainty in life is its unpredictability, we can help you plan for an uncertain future. We have wide-ranging expertise across all Wills and trusts and general private client matters, including:
We also provide comprehensive advice on care fees and every member of our team is specifically trained to offer dementia-friendly advice to people affected by the disease.
Members of our team are members of Solicitors for the Elderly (SFE), an organisation of legal professionals who specialise in providing advice to older and vulnerable people and their families and carers with compassion and professionalism.
Making a Will is the most important thing you can do to ensure your loved ones are protected and provided for after you die. Our specialist will, trust, and probate lawyers can provide an expert will making service to help you set out your wishes clearly and precisely in a legally binding document.
We can advise you on:
Getting married revokes all previous Wills and moving in together may mean that you want to make a Will to leave your estate to your partner who wouldn’t otherwise inherit.
As well as Will drafting, we can help you regularly review your Will to ensure it is still valid and that it reflects your life circumstances.
Many of us these days are faced with the prospect of paying for care fees towards the end of our lives. We can help you plan for this eventuality by considering all the options and protecting your assets against nursing home fees. We can also help to claim assistance from the NHS if you need nursing care.
Henry Anstey discussing advice on care fees on Huntingdon Community Radio:
You can use trusts to preserve your wealth and control how it is passed on to your loved ones.
Having children is a huge responsibility and you will benefit from the peace of mind that comes from having made a Will (which can include trusts) to ensure that they are cared for in the event of anything happening to you. We can advise you how to plan for the effects of capital taxes and protect your children or other vulnerable beneficiaries in the event of your death.
Our trust solicitors can help you set up trusts in the following areas :
We can also provide detailed advice on the duties of trustees and beneficiaries’ entitlements under trusts.
The death of a loved one is never easy. So, when they have entrusted you to obtain probate and administer their estate for them, it is understandable that you may feel overwhelmed.
Our probate solicitors can help reduce the burden on you by handling the entire estate administration process on your behalf and relieving you of the need for endless form filling and helping you to make any changes necessary to mitigate your tax liabilities.
Our probate expertise includes:
At some point in our lives, any of us can be temporarily or permanently unable to manage our finances or care. Drawing up a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) can make sure that your wishes are carried out whatever happens to you. Taking advice on preparing an LPA can help to protect your property for your family.
Our expertise includes:
We can provide advice to people appointed as Attorneys under Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPAs). Only EPAs made before 1 October 2007 can be used so we will provide advice about the document’s validity as well as:
A Living Will is not a Will at all. It is a signed and witnessed statement of your wishes concerning medical treatment if your condition prevents you from being able to communicate with doctors.
If you lose your mental capacity in the future and cannot refuse medical treatment, your Living Will clearly sets out your wishes (including any wish to refuse lifesaving treatment) saving your loved ones from having to make distressing decisions on your behalf.
Another name for a Living Will is an ‘Advanced Directive’ or ‘Advance Decision’.
All our Wills, Trusts & Probate lawyers have attended and completed Dementia Friendly training. During the training they learnt more about people living with dementia, helping them to understand and provide a dementia friendly environment when visiting Hunt & Coombs Solicitors.
Partner - Team Leader Wills, Trusts & Probate
Chartered Legal Executive
Senior Chartered Legal Executive
Our Wills, Trusts & Probate solicitors set out how to ensure your Will is legally valid.
Discover how the latest UK budget impacts estate planning, including changes to IHT, CGT and pensions and get expert guidance for your strategy.
Issues to consider If you have been caring for someone who…
Essential inclusions for Wills When you make your Will, you may wonder…
Partner - Team Leader Wills, Trusts & Probate
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Hunt & Coombs LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales, Registration no. OC320243, VAT no. 120013160. Hunt & Coombs LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority with Registration no. 443035. A list of members is available at 35 Thorpe Road, Peterborough PE3 6AG.
© Hunt & Coombs Solicitors 2023.