

We understand how important it is to know what you are getting for your money at the outset. We will charge a reasonable fee that reflects the nature of the work we will be carrying out for you and we will be open and transparent about what you will be charged for and how much you can expect to pay.

To help you make an informed decision when choosing and purchasing certain legal services, we have published pricing information and our fees for those areas of law namely debt recovery, employment tribunals, motoring offences, probate and residential conveyancing. All prices that refer to VAT will be charged VAT at the current rate of 20%.

Please note that Hunt & Coombs Solicitors are regulated by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority, registration no. 443035, and it is mandatory for regulated firms to make available prices for certain areas of legal advice to clients and potential clients.

Verifying Your Identity

We use electronic verification to support our client identity checks.

Electronic verification uses identification information such as name, address, etc. in electronic form and checks the information against numerous data sources to verify a person or business. This type of check will leave a minor footprint on the relevant credit file, but it will not harm an individual’s or business’s credit score.

We pass on the cost of this check to clients. The cost of the electronic verification check is:

  • £18 plus VAT (at 20%) per person;
  • £32 plus VAT (at 20%) for a UK based corporate client; or
  • £50 – £156 plus VAT (at 20%) depending on jurisdiction for an internationally based corporate client.

Feedback and complaints

If you wish to make a complaint about the legal work received this can be made via our feedback and complaints page where you will find contact details and our complaints procedure.

You can also visit our client care and service excellence page where we publish our client satisfaction survey results and actively encourage our clients to provide feedback so that we can improve the legal service that we provide.

Contact Us

For further information on how we can help you, or your business, please call our switchboard on 01733 882 800 or email us at [email protected].

90th Anniversary
Lexcel logo Leading Firm Legal 500 2025 Hunt & Coombs received Investors in the Environment Green accreditation again Cyber Essentials Certified Plus logo Criminal Litigation Accreditation Mental Health Accreditation Conveyancing Quality Accreditation

Hunt & Coombs LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales, Registration no. OC320243, VAT no. 120013160. Hunt & Coombs LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority with Registration no. 443035. A list of members is available at 35 Thorpe Road, Peterborough PE3 6AG.
© Hunt & Coombs Solicitors 2023.

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