
Knowledge is Power… Free legal advice at police station interviews

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Don’t leave it to chance when being interviewed by the police

If you find yourself in the position of being interviewed by the police we have a specialist Crime team who provide free legal advice during the interview process whether at the police station or at your home.

Before the Police make a decision to charge and prosecute a person they usually give that person the chance to be interviewed and provide their account of events. This account can affect the outcome of a case and if found guilty the severity of punishment.

Some people worry that asking for a solicitor is a sign of being guilty. However it could be interpreted as the act of a person who wants to understand why they are being questioned and then advised on the best way to present their account in order to put them in the strongest possible legal position.

The following are reasons to ask for a solicitor and why a solicitor will help you:

  • The advice is free and knowledge is power;
  • Understanding why you are being spoken to is crucial to allow you to give your best response;
  • A good solicitor will be able to predict the questions asked and discuss them with you privately before they are asked;
  • The way you ‘tell your story’ can influence whether you are guilty or innocent;
  • The solicitor will protect you if the police questioning becomes too forceful;
  • The solicitor’s advice may sometimes allow you to avoid court action;
  • If you need to go to court, the solicitor will already know your case;
  • The solicitor can argue for the right bail conditions if you are released while enquiries are made;
  • Having someone there with you reduces the stress in the situation; and
  • Having dealt with all types of criminal and traffic offences nothing will shock your solicitor.

Not asking for a solicitor to be present at a Police interview may not give you full access to justice which could lead to: penalties, prison, fines and may also destroy your reputation.

With 80 years of experience serving East Anglia, The Crime team at Hunt and Coombs Solicitors are on call 24/7 all year round. So if you or someone you know is being interviewed by the Police contact us on 01733 882800 for free and confidential legal advice.

Alternatively you can also ask for Hunt & Coombs Solicitors at the Police station and they will contact us directly.

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